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- All professional proficiency or above -

  • Chinese - native speaker
  • English - working language / IELTS 6.0
  • Japnese - N1


  • React
  • Javascrip
  • Typescript
  • solidity
  • ethers.js
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Tailwindcss
  • Objectice-C
  • Node.js
  • Next.js
  • Express.js
  • Python
  • C++
  • C
  • Git
  • hardhat
  • Jekins
  • Figma
  • mongoose
  • ganache
  • MongoDB
  • Heroku
  • Vercel
  • chainlink
  • Unit Testing
  • Jest
  • CI/CD
Work Experience

2023.10 - now

  • This Website: 100% developed and designed by myself
    Development Language: HTML, Tailwind CSS, SCSS(cvPage), Typescript, React, Nextjs, Nodejs, Expressjs ...
    Github: 🔗
  • *
    Old version of my portfolio website (100% developed and designed by me)
    Development Language: HTML, SCSS, Javascript, React, Nodejs, Expressjs ...
    Github: 🔗 *

Client Engineer
HangZhou, China
2022 - 2023

  • Led the development of validation scripts(Python) 🔗for ZOOM Mac client in all 16 languages, covering the entire process from requirements analysis to script development, testing, and automation. Utilized Python to implement checks for translation accuracy, text formatting, and placeholders across the diverse language set. The script generates comprehensive output files with summaries, ensuring outstanding and stable support for ZOOM Mac client usage.
  • Led the design and development of a new feature(Objective-C) which aimed at enhancing user engagement for unregistered users, by millions of non-enterprise users daily, has become instrumental in generating millions of dollars in revenue for ZOOM each quarter.
  • Successfully refactored the Zoom settings interface by transitioning from XIB(utilizing visual tools for development but prone to unpredictable bugs) to entirely Objective-C code-based implementation (stable and easily traceable for bug identification).
  • Developed a website using HTML, CSS, and Javascript for internal staff to upload and analyze log files. This website facilitates daily tasks for all development colleagues, making their work more efficient.
  • Collaborated with the UI/UX team to ensure a consistent and visually appealing interface across all versions of macOS devices.
  • Authored documentation on trigger tracking code usage, effectively aiding new colleagues in rapidly mastering the skill of writing tracking code.

Master degree
Ochanomizu University 🔗
Tokyo, Japan
2020 - 2022

  • Computer Science Master degree in Human-Computer Interaction, Siio Lab 🔗
  • Student Encouragement Award 🔗, The 84th National Convention of the Information Processing Society of Japan(IPSJ), 2022
    ZIQING FENG, Mana SASAGAWA, Itiro SIIO, Yasushi MATOBA, “control by using half-reflective AR mirror display 🔗
  • Language Proficiency N1 🔗 : The highest-level certificate of Japanese proficiency (24.1% Pass Rate)